Q: Do you have the slither embroidered shirt in Men's
Store Owner
A: Hi there,
We consider all of our items to be unisex, so we would always recommend to compare your sizing measurements to the measurements on the size chart specifically.
However, if you need any assistance with sizing, feel free to contact our customer service team on cs@disturbia.co.uk and they'll be happy to help!
Verified Reviewer
Q: Hello! Will this shirt be returning anytime in the near future?
Store Owner
A: Hey Ash, thanks for your interest in the Slither!
We're extremely happy to say that all sizes have been fully restocked and are now available again to purchase!
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We consider all of our items to be unisex, so we would always recommend to compare your sizing measurements to the measurements on the size chart specifically.
However, if you need any assistance with sizing, feel free to contact our customer service team on cs@disturbia.co.uk and they'll be happy to help!